Schedule / Πρόγραμμα “Navarino Challenge”

13-15 October / Οκτωβρίου 2023




Για όσους διαμείνουν στην Costa Navarinoθα λάβουν χωρίς κόστος τις ακόλουθες παροχές (υπάρχουν κάποιες εξαιρέσεις): For those who wish to stay at Costa Navarino, the following activities will be offered free of charge (there are some exceptions):


Παρασκευή/Friday 13-10-2023


10:00-20:00: W Hotel & Westin Hotel Παραλαβή αγωνιστικού πακέτου (W Lounge & Great Hall) / Receive participation kit (W Lounge & Great Hall)


12:00-17:00: Westin Hotel, The Dunes Beach, Kitesurfing Price: Kitesurfing 100€ per person per hour per group lesson supported by Moraitis Watersports


12:00-17:00: W Hotel, whether you’re a seasoned pro or a complete beginner in windsurfing, Gialova Beach is the perfect spot. For those seeking an extra challenge, windsurf foiling takes things to a whole new level. Price: Windsurfing 50€ per person per hour per group lesson Windsurfing Foiling 100€ per person per hour per group lesson supported by Moraitis Watersports


12:00-17:00: W Hotel, Wing foiling lessons, and rentals at Navarino Waterfront offer an unforgettable experience that combines the thrill of windsurfing, the freedom of kiteboarding, and the grace of surfing all in one.  Price: Wing foiling 100€ per person per hour per group lesson supported by Moraitis Watersports


13:00-15:00: Westin Hotel, Μαθήματα αναρρίχησης powered by That Gorilla Brand με την υποστήριξη του Navarino OutdoorsNavarino Rocks, (Εσωτερική Πίστα Αναρρίχησης δίπλα στο Κλειστό Γήπεδο Μπάσκετ) (Οι συμμετέχοντες μπορούν να κλείσουν θέση έναντι 15€/παιδί κάτω από 12 ετών και 20€/ενήλικα ή στον χώρο ή μέσω email ή κάνοντας κλικ εδώ ή και μέσω του CN app, περιορισμένες συμμετοχές!)/ Climbing lessons powered by That Gorilla Brand supported by Navarino Outdoors – Navarino Rocks, (Indoor Climbing next to Basketball Court) (Participants need to join the activity with 15€/kid U12 & 20€/adult on the spot or book their participation through the official mail of or by clicking here or even from the CN app)


13:00–16:00: Westin Hotel, Sweet treats by Miele Chef Alexandros Syngkiridis (Miele Open House, Symbol Hall in the Dunes Agora)


13:30-14:30: Westin Hotel, Αγώνας επίδειξης μπάσκετ ΑΜΕΑ powered by Trace ‘n Chase   από αθλητές με αμαξίδιο και μέλη της Εθνικής ομάδας (κλειστό γήπεδο μπάσκετ των εγκαταστάσεων) / Basketball Demonstration powered by Trace ‘n Chase from the wheelchair players and members of the National team (indoor basketball hall in the premises)


14:30-15:30: Westin Hotel-Dunes Course, Μαθήματα Golf powered by Miele με την υποστήριξη του Navarino Golf Academy (The Dunes Course) (έως 20 άτομα) / Golf Clinics powered by Miele supported by Navarino Golf Academy (The Dunes Course) (up to 20 people)


15:00-16:30: Westin Hotel, 4on4 τουρνουά μπάσκετ powered by Trace ‘n Chase 15+χρ. (κλειστό γήπεδο μπάσκετ των εγκαταστάσεων) επικοινωνία: (έως 16 άτομα) / 4on4 Basketball Tournament powered by Trace ‘n Chase 15+ yrs (indoor basketball hall in the premises) contact: (up to 16 people)


15:00-16:00: Westin Hotel, Αγώνας επίδειξης τένις από τον πρωταθλητή Ελλάδος στο τένις με αμαξίδιο και μέλος της Εθνικής ομάδας Γιώργο Λαζαρίδη powered by Miele (Mouratoglou Tennis Center Costa Navarino) / Tennis demonstration by the Greek wheelchair tennis champion and member of the National team George Lazaridis powered by Miele (Mouratoglou Tennis Center Costa Navarino)


15:00-18:00: W Hotel, Navarino Waterfront – Ποδηλατάδα με ηλεκτρικό ποδήλατο στα Flamingo powered by Europa – Τα γκρουπ ξεκινάνε 15:00, 15:10, 15:20, 15:40 και αν χρειαστεί στις 16:00. Σε συνεργασία με το Navarino Outdoors (οι συμμετέχοντες πρέπει να είναι εκεί στις 16:00 & μπορούν να νοικιάσουν από 52€ / χωρίς e-bike 40 EUR (όχι σε παιδιά κάτω των 12)  το ποδήλατο τους μέσω email, ή κάνοντας κλικ εδώ περιορισμένες συμμετοχές! / Navarino Waterfront:   Ε-Bike Tour at Flamingo powered by Europa – Groups leave at 15:00, 15:10, 15:20, 15:40 and at 16:00 if needed Operated by Navarino Outdoors (Participants need to be there at 16:00 & can rent their bike from 52€ / without e-bike 40 EUR (no children below 12yrs) through, or by clicking here max participations 10 per group  


16:00-17:30: ΠύλοςΔιαγνωστικές εξετάσεις πρωτοβάθμιας φροντίδας υπό την αιγίδα του Ιατρικού Συλλόγου Μεσσηνίας powered by Novo Nordisk (πλησίον Εστιατορίου Ποσειδωνία) / Pylos – Primary care diagnostic tests under the auspices of the Medical Association of Messinia powered by Novo Nordisk (close to Poseidonia Restaurant)


16:30-17:30: W Hotel, High intensity training για μικρούς και μεγάλους από τον Δημήτρη Μώρο & το FitnessArt (W Hotel Gym Pool) / High intensity training for people of all ages by Dimitris Moros & FitnessArt (W Hotel Gym Pool)


16:30-17:30: Westin Hotel, Tennis Induction (Ηλικίες 6-9) powered by Miele με την υποστήριξη του Mouratoglou Tennis Center Costa Navarino (έωςάτομα) κόστος συμμετοχής: δωρεάν, επικοινωνία:  Τηλέφωνο: 2723091122 Tennis Induction (Ages 6 to 9) powered by Miele supported by Mouratoglou Tennis Center Costa Navarino (up to 6 people) participation cost: free, contact:  Telephone: 2723091122 (Pick up from Westin/Romanos entrance 20 mins earlier)


16:30-17:30: Westin Hotel, Tennis Induction (Ηλικίες 10-13) powered by Miele με την υποστήριξη του Mouratoglou Tennis Center Costa Navarino (έως 6 άτομα) κόστος συμμετοχής: δωρεάν, επικοινωνία:  Τηλέφωνο: 2723091122 Tennis Induction (Ages 10 to 13) powered by Miele supported by Mouratoglou Tennis Center Costa Navarino (up to 6 people) participation cost: free, contact: Telephone: 2723091122 (Pick up from Westin/Romanos entrance 20 mins earlier)


17:00–17:30: Westin Hotel, Baby Swimming Lessons powered by Βλάχα για παιδία έως 3 ετών συνοδεία γονέα με την υποστήριξη των Red Swim Academy & Swim O’ Clock  (Εσωτερική Πισίνα, Westin) / Baby Swimming lessons powered by Vlaha up to 3 years old with one parent supported by Red Swim Academy & Swim O’ Clock (Indoor Swimming Pool, Westin)


17:00–18:00: Football Clinics για παιδιά 5–17 ετών με τον θρύλο του 2004, Γιώργο Καραγκούνη, powered by Hellmann’s (γήπεδο ποδοσφαίρου 5×5)/ Football Clinics for children 5 to 17yrs old with the Legend of 2004 Giorgos Karagounis powered by Hellmann’s (5×5 football field) registration: Click Here


17:00-17:45: Westin Hotel: Μαθήματα Pilates powered by Europa από την ομάδα της γυμνάστριας pilates, Μάντη Περσάκη (Στο γρασίδι μπροστά από το εστιατόριο Morias) (έως 80 άτομα) / Pilates lessons powered by Europa by the team of the pilates instructor, Mandy Persaki (at the grassy area in front of Morias restaurant) (up to 80 people)


17:30-19:00: Courts next to Navarino Outdoors, Pickleball Induction & Game Play, με τον Μιχάλη Τριανταφυλλίδη, το Triantafyllidis Beach Arena supported by Mouratoglou Tennis Center Costa Navarino/ Pickleball Induction & Game Play, with Michalis Triantafyllidis, Triantafyllidis Beach Arena supported by Mouratoglou Tennis Center Costa Navarino


17:45-19:30: Πύλος2χλμ. περπάτημα powered by Novo Nordisk (από την Οικία του Ολυμπιονίκη Κωστή Τσικλητήρα προς Νιόκαστρο και ηλιοβασίλεμα στο Τσιχλί Μπαμπά) / Pylos – 2km walking powered by Novo Nordisk (from the residence of the Olympian Kostis Tsiklitiras in Pylos and finishing at the castle – fortress Niokastro & sunset at Tsichli Baba).


17:45-18:30: W Hotel Beach, Sunset Beach Yoga powered by Messinian Spa με το Angelic Yoga Arts (έως 30 άτομα) / Sunset Beach Yoga powered by Messinian Spa with Angelic Yoga Arts (up to 30 people)


18:00–19:00: Westin Hotel, Masterclass by Miele Chef Ambassador Panos Ioannidis (Miele Open House, Symbol Hall in the Dunes Agora)


18:45-19:45: W Hotel, Spinning Challenge για μικρούς και μεγάλους powered by Βίκος με τον Δημήτρης Μώρος & FitnessArt (Great Room) / Spinning Challenge for people of all ages powered by Vikos with Dimitris Moros & FitnessArt (Great Room


20:00-21:00: Anax Lounge, The Romanos Resort, Welcome Cocktail powered by Bombay Sapphire (by invitation only)



Σάββατο/Saturday 14-10-2023


08:30-09:30: Westin Hotel, Yoga powered by Messinian Spa στην αίθουσα “Astronomy” στο House of Events με το Angelic Yoga Arts / Yoga powered by Messinian Spa at “ASTRONOMY” Meeting Room in House of Events with Angelic Yoga Arts 


09:00-19:00: W hotel & Westin Hotel Παραλαβή αγωνιστικού πακέτου (W Lounge & Great Hall) / Receive participation kit (W Lounge & Great Hall)


09:00-12:00: W Hotel, Καγιάκ στη νήσο Σφακτηρία με την υποστήριξη του Moraitis Watersports (W hotel, κόστος συμμετοχής: 30€ ατομικό και 50€ για διπλό- επικοινωνία / Sea kayaking to Sphacteria Island by Moraitis Watersports (W Hotel, participation cost: 30€ for one person & 50€ for two – contact:


09:00-12:00: W Hotel, Wakeboard, Price: Wakeboard, 80€ per person per hour supported by Moraitis Watersports


09:00-12:00: W Hotel, Waterski, Price: Waterski, 80€ per person per hour supported by Moraitis Watersports


09:00-12:00: W Hotel, Wakesurf supported by Moraitis Watersports, Price: 80€ per person per hour


09:00-12:00: W Hotel, take to the sparkling waters of Navarino Bay on a stand-up paddleboard and see what one of the fastest-growing aquatic sports in the world is all about. SUPing is not only incredibly easy to learn but also a fun, relaxing way to interact with nature while getting the benefits of a great all-round body workout.  Supported by Moraitis Watersports. Price: SUP rental: 30€ per person, SUP group lesson: 40€ per person


09:00-14:00: Westin Hotel, Men’s Round Robbin Tournament με UTS format powered by Miele (από 6 έως 16 άτομα/ 6-16 people) supported by Mouratoglou Tennis Center Costa Navarino – Tournament Format: Round Robin with UTS format / Level: Intermediate Advanced  κόστος συμμετοχής: 50€, επικοινωνία  Τηλέφωνο: 2723091122 participation cost: 50€, contact:  Telephone: 2723091122 (Pick up from Westin/Romanos entrance 20 mins earlier)


09:00-14:00: Westin Hotel, Women’s Round Robbin Tournament με UTS format powered by Miele (από 6 έως 16 άτομα/ 6-16 people) supported by Mouratoglou Tennis Center Costa Navarino – Tournament Format: Round Robin with UTS format / Level: Intermediate Advanced κόστος συμμετοχής: 50€, επικοινωνία  Τηλέφωνο: 2723091122 participation cost: 50€, contact:  Telephone: 2723091122 (Pick up from Westin/Romanos entrance 20 mins earlier)


09:00–14:00: Westin Hotel,  Τουρνουά Padel powered by Miele έως 12 άτομα με την υποστήριξη του Mouratoglou Tennis Center Costa Navarino (δίπλα στο κλειστό γήπεδο μπάσκετ των εγκαταστάσεων) / Padel Tournament powered by Miele up to 12 participants with the support of Mouratoglou Tennis Center Costa Navarino, (next to the indoor basketball hall in the premises)  κόστος συμμετοχής: 50€, επικοινωνία: Τηλέφωνο: 2723091122 / participation cost: 50€, contact: Telephone: 2723091122


09:40-11:00: Westin Hotel, Μαθήματα μπάσκετ powered by Knorr σε παιδιά ηλικίας 5 έως 16 ετών, από τους Εβίνα Μάλτση & Joe Arlauckas (κλειστό γήπεδο μπάσκετ των εγκαταστάσεων) (έως 16 άτομα) / Basketball Clinic powered by Knorr with the Women’s Eurobasket MVP Evina Maltsi & EuroLeague Legend Joe Arlauckas for children 5-16 yrs old (indoor basketball hall in the premises) (up to 16 people)


10:30-13:30 Πύλος – Προβλήτα λιμανιού Πύλου, Skateboarding powered by Poseidonia Restaurant & Karalis Hotels, με την υποστήριξη των Gazzetta & Gazzetta Women και της Free Movement Skateboarding / Pylos – Pylos port pier, Skateboarding powered by Poseidonia Restaurant & Karalis Hotels with the support of Gazzetta & Gazzetta Women and the Free Movement Skateboarding 


11:00-11:30: Knock out Challenge powered by Trace ‘n Chase (κλειστό γήπεδο μπάσκετ των εγκαταστάσεων) / (indoor basketball hall in the premises)


11:00-12:00: Πύλος, Karalis City Hotel & Spa (Conference Room), Ημερίδα ενημέρωσης και ευαισθητοποίησης για την πρόληψη και αντιμετώπιση χρόνιων νοσημάτων powered by Novo Nordisk / Pylos, Karalis City Hotel & Spa (Conference Room), Seminar to inform and raise public awareness about the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases powered by Novo Nordisk


11:00-12:30: W Hotel, CrossFit για μεγάλους από τον Δημήτρη Μώρο & το FitnessArt (Gym Pool) (έως 25 άτομα) / CrossFit for adults by Dimitris Moros & FitnessArt (Gym Pool) (up to 25 people)


12:00-17:00: Westin Hotel, The Dunes Beach, Kitesurfing Price: Kitesurfing 100€ per person per hour per group lesson supported by Moraitis Watersports


12:00-17:00: W Hotel, whether you’re a seasoned pro or a complete beginner in windsurfing, Gialova beach is the perfect spot. For those seeking an extra challenge, windsurf foiling takes things to a whole new level. Price: Windsurfing 50€ per person per hour per group lesson Windsurfing Foiling 100€ per person per hour per group lesson supported by Moraitis Watersports


12:00-17:00: W Hotel, Wing foiling lessons and rentals at Navarino Waterfront offer an unforgettable experience that combines the thrill of windsurfing, the freedom of kiteboarding, and the grace of surfing all in one.  Wing foiling 100€ per person per hour per group lesson supported by Moraitis Watersports


12:00-14:00: Westin Hotel, Beachathlon powered by That Gorilla Brand (Παιχνίδια Στίβου για γονείς & παιδιά ηλικίας 6 έως 13 ετών) από τον Ολυμπιονίκη και Πρωταθλητή Ευρώπης Περικλή Ιακωβάκη στην παραλία The Dunes Beach του Westin (έως 30 άτομα) / Beachathlon powered by That Gorilla Brand (Track and field games for parents & kids from 6yrs to 13yrs old) by the Olympian & European champion Periklis Iakovakis at The Dunes Beach (up to 30 people)


12:30-13:30: W Hotel, Aqua Aerobic με την υποστήριξη των Red Swim Academy & Swim O’ Clock (Gym Pool) / Aqua Aerobic supported by Red Swim Academy & Swim O’ Clock (Gym Pool)


12:45-13:45: W Hotel Beach, Καθαρισμός Παραλίας Γιάλοβας powered by MOTODYNAMICS Cleaning Team σε συνεργασία με το Moraitis Watersports / Cleaning of Gialova beach powered by MOTODYNAMICS Cleaning Team in collaboration with Moraitis Watersports


13:00-15:00: Westin Hotel, Μαθήματα αναρρίχησης powered by That Gorilla Brand με την υποστήριξη του Navarino Outdoors – Navarino Rocks, (Εσωτερική Πίστα Αναρρίχησης δίπλα στο Κλειστό Γήπεδο Μπάσκετ) (δωρεάν συμμετοχή)/ Climbing lessons powered by That Gorilla Brand supported by Navarino Outdoors – Navarino Rocks, (Indoor Climbing next to Basketball Court) (free lessons)


13:00–16:00: Westin Hotel, Pasta day by Miele Chef Alexandros Syngkiridis (Miele Open House, Symbol Hall in the Dunes Agora)


13:30-15:30: W Hotel, King of the Court Γυναικών Beach Volley Tournament powered by Bacardi από το Triantafyllidis Beach Arena (στην παραλία W Hotel) (έως 20 άτομα) / King of the Court Women Beach Volley Tournament powered by Bacardi from Triantafyllidis Beach Arena (W Hotel Beach) (up to 20 people) Επικοινωνία/Contact:  


14:00-15:00: W Hotel, Group Cycling για μικρούς και μεγάλους powered by Βίκος, από Δημήτρη Μώρο & FitnessArt (Great Room) (έως 20 άτομα / τηρείται σειρά προτεραιότητας) / Group Cycling for people of all ages powered by Vikos, by Dimitris Moros & FitnessArt (Great Room) (up to 20 people / first come, first served)


14:30-15:30: W Hotel, Μαθήματα Golf powered by Miele με την υποστήριξη του Navarino Golf Academy (The Bay Course next to W hotel) (έως 20 άτομα) / Golf Clinics powered by Miele supported by Navarino Golf Academy (The Bay Course next to W hotel) (up to 20 people)


14:45–16:00: Football Clinics powered by Hellmann’s για παιδιά 5–17 ετών με τον θρύλο του 2004, Γιωργο Καραγκουνη, powered by Hellmann’s (γήπεδο ποδοσφαίρου 5×5) / Football Clinics powered by Hellmann’s for children 5 to 17yrs old with the Legend of 2004 Giorgos Karagounis (5×5 football field) n registration: Click Here


15:00-16:00: Westin Hotel, Μαθήματα Taekwondo powered by The Vegetarian Butcher για μικρούς και μεγάλους από τον Ολυμπιονίκη Μιχάλη Μουρούτσο (Westin Basketball Court) / Taekwondo lessons powered by The Vegetarian Butcher for people of all ages by the Olympian Michalis Mouroutsos (Westin Basketball Court)


15:30-17:30: W Hotel, King of the Court Ανδρών Beach Volley Tournament powered by Bacardi από το Triantafyllidis Beach Arena (στην παραλία W Hotel) (έως 20 άτομα) / King of the Court Men Beach Volley Tournament powered by Bacardi from Triantafyllidis Beach Arena (W Hotel Beach) (up to 20 people) Επικοινωνία/Contact:


15:30-17:30: Westin Hotel, Navarino Dunes: Ποδηλατάδα στη Βοϊδοκοιλιά  powered by Europa – Τα γκρουπ ξεκινάνε 15:30, 15:40, 15:50, 16:00. Σε συνεργασία με το Navarino Outdoors (οι συμμετέχοντες πρέπει να είναι εκεί στις 16:00 & μπορούν να νοικιάσουν από 35€ / 28 EUR (παιδιά κάτω των 12)  το ποδήλατο τους μέσω email, ή κάνοντας κλικ εδώ, περιορισμένες συμμετοχές!   / Navarino Dunes: Bike Tour at Omega Beach Voidokilia powered by Europa Groups leave at 15:30, 15:40, 15:50, 16:00. Operated by Navarino Outdoors (Participants need to be there at 16:00 & can rent their bike from 35€ / 28 EUR (children below 12yrs) through, or by clicking here max participations 10 per group  


17:00–18:00: Westin Hotel, Baby Swimming Lessons powered by Βλάχα για παιδία έως 3 ετών συνοδεία γονέα με την υποστήριξη των Red Swim Academy & Swim O’ Clock (Εσωτερική Πισίνα, Westin) / Baby Swimming lessons powered by Vlaha, up to 3 years old with one parent  supported by Red Swim Academy & Swim O’ Clock (Indoor Swimming Pool, Westin) 


17:00-17:45: W Hotel, Sunset Beach Pilates powered by Europa από την ομάδα της γυμνάστριας pilates, Μάντη Περσάκη (W Hotel Beach) / Sunset Beach Pilates lessons powered by Europa from the team of the pilates instructor, Mandy Persaki (W Hotel Beach) 


17:00-20:00: Πύλος – Προβλήτα λιμανιού Πύλου, Skateboarding powered by Poseidonia Restaurant & Karalis Hotels, με την υποστήριξη των Gazzetta & Gazzetta Women και της Free Movement Skateboarding / Pylos – Pylos port pier, Skateboarding powered by Poseidonia Restaurant & Karalis Hotels with the support of Gazzetta & Gazzetta Women and the Free Movement Skateboarding 


18:30-19:30: Westin Hotel, Masterclass by Miele Chef Ambassador Panos Ioannidis (Miele Open House, Symbol Hall in the Dunes Agora)


21:30-23:00: “11 Years Awards Night” – Awards Ceremony – Live music & Cocktails – “Great Hall” at The Westin Resort Costa Navarino (Dress code: Smart Casual), Seated only.



Κυριακή/Sunday 15-10-2023


06:30: Παραλαβή αγωνιστικού πακέτου από το Navarino Outdoors/Costa Navarino, μετά τα Westin γήπεδα Tennis / Receive participation kit from Navarino Outdoors/Costa Navarino, after the Westin Tennis Courts

Όσοι δεν διαμένουν στο ξενοδοχείο, παρκάρουν έξω από την πύλη και με τη βοήθεια της SIXT θα μεταφέρονται στον χώρο εκκίνησης των διαδρομών τρεξίματος / Those not staying at the hotel, will park outside the resort’s gate and with the assistance of SIXT they will be transferred to the starting point of the running routes


07:20: Προθέρμανση με την ομάδα της γυμνάστριας pilates, Μάντη Περσάκη / Warm-up with the team of the pilates instructor, Mandy Persaki

07:30: Εκκίνηση Μαραθωνίου δρόμου (42km) powered by Τhat Gorilla Brand / Start of Navarino Challenge Marathon (42km) powered by That Gorilla Brand


07:35: Προθέρμανση με την ομάδα της γυμνάστριας pilates, Μάντη Περσάκη / Warm-up with the team of the pilates instructor, Mandy Persaki

07:45: Εκκίνηση Ημιμαραθωνίου δρόμου (21.1km) powered by Τhat Gorilla Brand / Start of Navarino Challenge Half Marathon (21.1km) powered by Τhat Gorilla Brand


08:25: Προθέρμανση με την ομάδα της γυμνάστριας pilates, Μάντη Περσάκη / Warm-up with the team of the pilates instructor, Mandy Persaki

08:30: Εκκίνηση δρόμου 10km powered by SIXT, μέλος του Ομίλου ΜΟΤΟΔΥΝΑΜΙΚΗ / Start of 10km powered by SIXT, member of the MOTODYNAMICS Group


08:40: Προθέρμανση με την ομάδα της γυμνάστριας pilates, Μάντη Περσάκη / Warm-up with the team of the pilates instructor, Mandy Persaki

08:45: Εκκίνηση δρόμου 5km powered by Miele (τρέξιμο και δυναμικό βάδισμα) / Start of 5km route powered by Miele (for running and dynamic walking)


09:30-15:00: Westin Hotel, Sunday BBQ powered by Hellmann’s


10:00: Προθέρμανση με την ομάδα της γυμνάστριας pilates, Μάντη Περσάκη / Warm-up with the team of the pilates instructor, Mandy Persaki

10:15: Εκκίνηση δρόμου 1km για παιδιά (10-14 ετών) powered by Europa / Start of 1km route for children (10-14 yrs old) powered by Europa


11:00-15:00: Westin Hotel, Μαθήματα αναρρίχησης powered by That Gorilla Brand με την υποστήριξη του Navarino OutdoorsNavarino Rocks, (Εσωτερική Πίστα Αναρρίχησης δίπλα στο Κλειστό Γήπεδο Μπάσκετ) (Οι συμμετέχοντες μπορούν να κλείσουν θέση έναντι 15€/παιδί κάτω από 12 ετών και 20€/ενήλικα ή στον χώρο ή μέσω email ή κάνοντας κλικ εδώ ή και μέσω του CN app, περιορισμένες συμμετοχές!)/ Climbing lessons powered by That Gorilla Brand supported by Navarino Outdoors – Navarino Rocks, (Indoor Climbing next to Basketball Court) (Participants need to join the activity with 15€/kid U12 & 20€/adult on the spot or book their participation through the official mail of or by clicking here or even from the CN app)


11:00: Προθέρμανση με την ομάδα της γυμνάστριας pilates, Μάντη Περσάκη / Warm-up with the team of the pilates instructor, Mandy Persaki

11:15: Εκκίνηση δρόμου 1km για παιδιά (έως 9 ετών) powered by Βίκος με τη συμμετοχή του Ολυμπιονίκη Περικλή Ιακωβάκη / Start of 1km route for children (up to 9 yrs old) powered by Vikos with the participation of the Olympian Periklis Iakovakis


12:00-14:00: W Hotel, King of the Court Μεικτό Beach Volley Tournament powered by Bacardi από το Triantafyllidis Beach Arena (W Hotel Beach) (έως 20 άτομα) / King of the Court Mixed Beach Volley Tournament powered by Bacardi from Triantafyllidis Beach Arena (W Hotel Beach) (up to 20 people) Επικοινωνία/Contact:


12:00-17:00: W Hotel, whether you’re a seasoned pro or a complete beginner in windsurfing, Gialova beach is the perfect spot. For those seeking an extra challenge, windsurf foiling takes things to a whole new level. Price: Windsurfing 50€ per person per hour per group lesson Windsurfing Foiling 100€ per person per hour per group lesson supported by Moraitis Watersports


12:00-17:00: W Hotel, Wing foiling lessons and rentals at Navarino Waterfront offer an unforgettable experience that combines the thrill of windsurfing, the freedom of kiteboarding, and the grace of surfing all in one.  Wing foiling 100€ per person per hour per group lesson supported by Moraitis Watersports


12:30-14:30: Πύλος – Προβλήτα λιμανιού Πύλου, Skateboarding powered by Poseidonia Restaurant & Karalis Hotels, με την υποστήριξη των Gazzetta & Gazzetta Women και της Free Movement Skateboarding / Pylos – Pylos port pier, Skateboarding powered by Poseidonia Restaurant & Karalis Hotels with the support of Gazzetta & Gazzetta Women and the Free Movement Skateboarding 


15:30-19:00: Green Pepper, W Costa Navarino, Moraitis Watersports Sunset Party powered by Bombay Sapphire (DJ Maria Papidaki)





Anazoe Spa offers all participants a 20% discount on spa treatments.


Apoella offers a 20% discount on all items at ASOMA and APOELLA and a 10% discount on jewelry.


Asoma offers a 20% discount on all items at ASOMA and APOELLA and a 10% discount on jewelry.


Attica Selections offers 40% off any purchase during the dates 13-15th of October at the Attica Selections Store with proof of participation on purchase.


AWAY Spa offers all participants a 20% discount on its services.


Berytus offers a 12% discount on the total bill (food, beverage & Nargile) to all Navarino Challenge participants. For all your reservations please contact +30 2723022650 after 5 p.m. Opening hours: Monday – Sunday 5 p.m. / 11 p.m.


Biblioteca offers 20% discount for participants on all non-tobacco and press items.


Bio & Pharma offers a 20% discount to all participants.


Ergon Amφora offers a 20% discount to all participants. Please note that during this period, they already have scheduled discounts running in their store, and the percentage they are offering will be in addition to the existing ones.


Hams and Clams offers a discount of 15% (including food and drinks) to all participants of Navarino challenge.Operating hours 18:00- 11:00.


KESSARIS offers a discount of up to 20% on selected products.


Kooc restaurant at Navarino Dunes offers 15% discount to all participants.


LOL The Brand offers a 15% discount at their store on clothing items from their brand, LOL The Brand.


Miele offers a free 10-year warranty with the purchase of kitchen appliances and a free live demonstration by the Miele Chef at your place with the purchase of 3 kitchen appliances.

The above offers are valid until 30.11.2023 at the same time with purchases in physical stores:

Miele Experience Center Athens: 69 Kifisias Ave., Maroussi

Miele Store Voula: Grammou 9


MINCO souvlaki stories at Navarino Agora, waterfront offers 10% discount to all participants.


Moraitis Watersports offers a 20% discount on its water sports activities. Moreover, Moraitis Watersports offers Inflatables ride 10min: 25 euros per person, Inflatables 30min ride to the caves of Sphacteria Island: 60 euros per person (available all days weather permitting). Anyone can visit Moraitis Watersports from 09:00 – 19:00 to do any watersports activity. The following activities are recommended in the morning: SUP, Kayak, Waterski, Wakeboard, Wakesurf, inflatables, and after 12:00: Windsurf, Wingfoil, Catamaran, Inflatables. In case the weather forecast changes the schedule is adjusted accordingly.


Mouratoglou Tennis Center – Costa Navarino offers a 15% discount in its store during the 3 days of Navarino Challenge.


Nargile restaurant offers all participants a 15% discount.


Navarino Outdoors offers a special discount of almost 60% on regular rates for climbing activities and a special discount of 35% for both cycling tours.


Panellinios Agora Games offers a 10% discount on its entire collection, in its stores at Costa Navarino (Dunes & Waterfront) to all participants!


Souvlakerie restaurant at Navarino Dunes offers 15% discount to all participants.


Tsami Eyewear Boutique offers 30% discount for all sunglasses and 20% discount for Ray-Ban.